quinta-feira, 26 de julho de 2007

GTA IV - Fatos

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Criei esse blog justamente pra mostrar tudo o que se tem sobre GTA 4 confirmado até agora, é praticamente uma cópia e tradução do Factsheet do www.gta4.net, com algumas adaptações minhas. Estarei sempre atualizando assim que surjir algo novo. Qualquer sugestão, opinião, correção, etc, deixar nos comentários que eu corrijo. Entrem na comunidade oficial do GTA 4 no Orkut.

Em 29 de Outubro de 2004 GTA IV estava 0% completo.

Em 21 de Maio de 2007 GTA IV estava em torno de 70% completo.

Em 5 de Julho de 2007 GTA IV está em torno de 85% completo!

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Nome oficial do jogo:

O jogo foi entitulado Grand Theft Auto 4/Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA4/GTAIV). Já era o esperado, e foi confirmado por muitos outros fatos e notícias que foram levantados. Tal como o website oficial do Grand Theft Auto IV ser www.grandtheftauto4.com tão bem quanto o jogo ser anunciado como "GTA4" por muitos desenvolvedores, empregados da Rockstar e revistas de jogos. Agora o "4" não significa que esse seja o 4º game da série. Porquê até onde sabemos, o 4º jogo da série foi GTA Vice City. As séries do jogo é o seguinte:
  • Grand Theft Auto 1 - GTA 1, GTA London 1961 e GTA London 1969 - GTA Advance poderia também estar incluído.
  • Grand Theft Auto 2
  • Grand Theft Auto 3 - GTA III, GTA Vice City e GTA San Andreas - GTA Liberty City Stories e GTA Vice City Stories poderiam também estar incluído.
  • Grand Theft Auto 4
Podem ser assim classificados como "uma série do jogo com uma nova engine gráfica com uma nova compilação nas histórias que se coincidem umas com as outras". Isso significa que, GTA 3 foi uma série do jogo com a nova engine 3D contendo 3 jogos (5 incluindo LCS e VCS) que todos contém sua própria história. Quando jogados juntos, você percebe que eles se coincidem quando vocês se encontram com pessoas vistas antes/depois em outro jogo ou visitado lugares que você esteve ou estará em breve fazendo negócios.

Outro modo de saber isso é o logo confirmado do site oficial:

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Como você pode ver, o nome "Grand Theft Auto IV" tinha sido registrado e é agora um Registered Trademark of Rockstar Games and Take2Interactive (Marca registrada da Rockstar Games e Take2Interative). Então é certeza absoluta que o jogo se chamará Grand Theft Auto IV/Grand Theft Auto 4 e fará parte de uma nova série dos novos jogos do GTA que acompanham essa nova engine, com a nova compilação das histórias que se coincidirão entre elas, exatamente como foi na série Grand Theft Auto 3.

Ajustes e Tema:

Sim, a localização de Grand Theft Auto 4 foi oficialmente confirmada em 29 de Março de 2007. Pouco depois das 11 horas (GMT) centenas, se não milhares, se não milhões! de fãns de GTA congestionaram a internet por algumas horas, aguardando o primeiro trailer de Grand Theft Auto 4 ansiosos pra ver as primeiras impressões da localização de GTA4.

Liberty City em 2007

GTA3 você diz? LCS eu ouvi você chorar? GTA: Advance eu ouvi você ficar em choque? Parece que sim, a localização oficial de GTA4 parece ser não mais que New York City, a mesma localização dos 3 jogos mencionados acima. Mas isto é New York? Pelo visto nas ruas de NYC e no trailer fortemente sugere que estamos de volta à Liberty City pela 4ª vez na série.

Placas de Liberty City -Nesta imagem você pode claramente ver uma propaganda do jornal "Liberty Tree", olhando um pouco mais no fundo vocÊ percebe uma placa "Welcome to Liberty City" e um pouco mais à direita você vê uma placa "i love Liberty City".

Placa do Liberty City Ferry Terminal - Nesta imagem você vê a placa do terminal de balsas de Liberty City, o qual está com as letras "L" e "T" faltando da palavra "Liberty", além disso você pode ver a palavra "Liberty" novamente no barco.

Navio Platypus - Aqui você vê claramente "Liberty City" abaixo da palavra "Platypus" atrás do navio.

Carros da polícia LCPD - À direita da imagem você vê as iniciais "LCPD" ao lado do carro branco da polícia, LCPD obviamente significa Liberty City police Department (Departamento de Polícia de Liberty City).

No entanto o ano em que se passa o jogo não foi ainda confirmado pela Rockstar, mas várias pessoas estiveram esmiuçando o trailer em busca de pistas sobre a época. Julgando pelos carros e as vestimentas o jo parece estar nos tempos modernos.

Foi percebido por um fã que no trailer dá pra perceber entre dois prédios a hearst-tower e esse prédio foi terminado em 2006, então parece que teremos o GTA4 em 2006 ou depois.

Na edição de Maio da revista Game Informer foi dado os nomes de algumas áreas, Queens é agora Dukes, The Bronx é agora Bohan, Manhattan é agora Algonquin, Brooklyn é agora Broker e New Jersey é agora chamada Alderney.

Staten Island parece que ficou faltando na lista das áreas de NY parodiadas pela Rockstar.

Rotterdam Hill (o lugar onde Niko marca de se encontrar com Jacob) fica em Alderney.

O nome de cada rua é mostrada no fundo direito da tela assim que você entra nela. Durante o demo, Niko passou pelas seguintes áreas: Presidents City, Chinatown, Lancet, Hatton Gardens, Middle Park East, Lancaster, Ruby Street, Cod Row, Denver Avenue, Exeter Avenue, Northwood, East Holland, Silicon Street, Quartz Street, The Triangle, Easton, Diamond Street e Calcium Street.

Protagonista principal: CONFIRMADO

O protagonista principal do próximo jogo da franquia Grand Theft Auto será um imigrante do Leste Eurupeu, Rússia pra ser mais exato, que tem em torno dos 30 anos de idade e seu nome é Niko Bellic (pronuncia-se "Béllich") que veio à Liberty City depois que seu primo Roman o persuadiu para vir. O protagonista ficou algum tempo sem nome até que a edição de Maio da revista Game Informer confirmou seu nome.

Niko Bellic - confirmação da revista.

Niko não é customizável como CJ em GTA: San Andreas, mas poderá vestí-lo com diversas roupas. A razão pra isso é que depois que eles fizeram a física de Niko e pareceu o mais correto, ficou difícil implementar características que permitem a customização de seu corpo.

Primeira imagem do protagonista

Personagens e vozes dos atores:

Voz do AtorFontes novas
Informações dos personagens

Niko Bellic



Niko é o protagonista principal em GTA 4, do Leste Europeu ele viajou à Liberty City buscando uma vida melhor e sendo persuadido à vir pelo seu primo Roman. Niko é culpado por cometer vários crimes em sua vida antes de vir à Liberty City.




Roman é primo de Niko, ele é a razão pela qual Niko viajou para Liberty City, pois disse à ele que lá ele teria uma excelente vida com carrões e mulheres.




Não se sabe muito sobre Elizabeta até agora, no entanto ela aparece em uma artwork do GTA 4 que foi lançada.

Little Jacob



Little Jacob é um traficante de armas Caribenho que vende armas pro Niko através do porta-malas de seu carro, as armas que ele tem a venda são 9mm, uma escopeta, uma metralhadora e uma sub-metralhadora. Little Jacob é também um bom amigo de Roman.

Francis McReary



McReary é um policial corupto que sabe da sujeira do passado de Niko.

Tom Goldberg



Goldberg é um advogado que trabalha na Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster (GLS), uma firma de advocacia em Liberty City, em uma das primeiras missões Niko mata Goldberg em seu escritório.




É a recepcionista de Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster, que chama Niko pra informá-lo sobre a sua entrevista.

Ainda não revelado

Ruslana Lyzhicko



You start out as a low life, Eastern European immigrant going by the name of Niko Bellic, persuaded to travel to Liberty City by his cousin, Roman. Roman claims to all up in riches, living the nice life with 15 cars, 4 hot tubs and plenty of beautiful girls to go around. Turns out Roman isn't what he seems to be making himself out to be....Nothing he's said is true. Even though they don't always get along and are constantly bickering, Roman becomes an important guideline for you at the beginning. Being the only person in the entire city that you know, he becomes the main source for connections at the start.

Roman is in fact in a lot of trouble with a lot of people who are after him for unpaid money and various other forms of debt, and he needs Niko's help!

The story will be delivered in a variety of new ways, allowing, and i quote; 'The player to create their own destiny' this clearly means missions will have several possible outcomes, all of which ultimately effect the outcome of the game and the relationships between Niko and the supporting cast.

Platforms: CONFIRMED - Xbox 360 and PS3.

So far Grand Theft Auto has been announced for the Playstation 3 (PS3) and the Xbox 360. A PC release has not been announced, although one is expected. If there is a PC release, it will not be until around June-July 2008. If you wish to have your say on whether you believe there should/will be a PC release or not visit Xcommunicated's poll and topic on it located here.

Please note that there is currently NO WAY of telling whether one platform will have benefits over the other. According to traditional marketing, it is VERY unlikely that either platform (360 or PS3) will have content that will cause one version to be sold more than the other. It is in the publisher's interests to sell as many copies for both platforms as possible. Those that also say that either the 360 or PS3's game discs will not be able to hold the full game is FULL OF SH*T. If there was going to be any problems publishing the game for either platform, Rockstar would never have announced they would be releasing for said platform. Please remember this is a professional organization with years of experience in producing and marketing video games, not a battery of chickens that flutter about this forum reading fabricated hardware incompatibilities they had no idea existed.

Use of the PlayStation 3's SIXAXIS controller has yet to be confirmed.

Episodic Content: CONFIRMED

During Microsoft's E³ press conference in 2006, Peter Moore announced that Rockstar Games were working on two extra downloadable packs via Xbox Live exclusively for the Xbox 360. peter Moore's described these extra packs as 'epic episode packs' and wouldn't just be the extra feature such as a few cars or clothing items but hours of entire new gameplay. This had been confirmed by Rockstar, announcing two extra, exclusive episodes.

Earlier this week (beginning February 26th) Take 2 Interactive Software released a statement confirming that the Episodic Content for GTA4 will be released sometime in 2008. No exact date has been confirmed yet but being given a definite year is a start. Still no information on how much these downloads will cost, so stay tuned for the confirmed details.

On the 15th of June 2007 Take-Two released a statement saying that the Grand Theft Auto 4 Episodic Content will be Xbox 360 Exclusive. Although how many things stay exclusive these day.

Take 2 Statement confirming Episodic Content release year

Also, according to the Take Two Second Quarter 2007 Fiscal Report It reports that Microsoft have paid Take Two 50 Million Dollars for 2 episodic episodes (25 million dollars each!) Both coming exclusive to the 360 in 2008.

Technology: CONFIRMED

Rockstar have confirmed that they will be planning on using their new 'RAGE' engine to power up their latest installment of Grand Theft Auto, A preview of this engine can be seen in Rockstar's latest game 'Rockstar presents table tennis' and if these graphics are anything to go by fans will not be disappointed in the next generation of Grand Theft Auto.

RAGE, short for Rockstar Advanced Game Engine, is a custom-developed visual engine that excels at rendering elaborate animations, particularly cloth texture. This is already evident in Table Tennis, as the clothing of the player’s swishes and sways realistically with their movements.

Rockstar's main use for the RAGE engine is to increase the look realism throughout the city. From the menial things such as the way smoke flows from chimneys in the direction of the wind, to the way the pedestrians move about and react to each other in the hustle and bustle of the streets.

In a latest issue of an Australian Xbox 360 magazine it had some news about the euphoria what has been integrated into Grand Theft Auto IV. This will add unique game moments into the game with the way that different characters and objects interact and move around Liberty City.

To find out a bit more of euphoria, head over here to get a better idea of euphoria. Also a bit more information on the Xbox magazine article can be found here.

Gameplay Facts : CONFIRMED

• Physically, Liberty City is not as big as San Andreas. It covers approximately 3/4 the total area that San Andreas did.

• In the Game Informer magazine it mentioned that there will be no planes in GTA 4 as it's only one city. After the answering session Reiner did with fans questions he did confirm that Helicopter's would definitely be in the game.

QUOTE (Reiner's Comment)
This is incorrect. There are no airplanes in the game, but flying is still there. One means of this is the helicopter. As Dan pointed out, this is just one city and a plane really doesn’t fit into that very well for gameplay. Flying is still very much a large part of the game.

• Boats have been confirmed, so sea travel is possible, and Niko has the ability to swim in the game, which is gtreat news.

• Once again there will be girlfriends in the game whether you like it or not.

• Climbing ladders has not been confirmed in GTA 4 but during the 15 minute demo of the game that Reiner played he said that Niko did ascend a telephone to get a bird's eye view of Liberty City. He also said it was quite impressive seeing his body weight transfer from side to side as he climbed the pole, so this could be a good indication that Niko will have the ability to climb ladders.

• When stealing cars on the street, there will now be several different animations (besides smashing the window)

• Rockstar have claimed to be focusing a lot of attention to the targeting system in GTA IV. Improving it dramatically from the, lets face it, inaccurate system used throughout the series - GTA3 onwards. When Targeting onto an object, the camera is said to zoom in behind Bellic's shoulder - Resi Evil 4

• As GTA IV is set in the present day or near future, Niko now has the gift of the good old mobile phone. This will be used to make calls with his various contacts to receive missions. Other possible uses for the phone have been rumored but nothing else has been set in stone as of yet.

• In an article in the official Xbox magazine in the U.S, it confirmed that car trunks would be a new game feature. When they approached the parked car in Broker from behind, the Admiral that so many publications got to see getting broken into, information prompt came up on the top left side of the screen, indicating to press the left bumper or "LB" button of the Xbox 360 controller in order to open the trunk. This button is the equivalent of the PlayStation controller's "L1" button. Whether this feature will only be used in missions or at anytime during gameplay is yet to be known.

• Rampages, Unique Jumps and Rhinos MIGHT be cut from the game.

• During the 2nd trailer you can see that Niko shoots at a car and the bullet holes are actually visible on the car (screenshot here), a few seconds later you can see that the windowscreen on the car shows the bullet holes and the glass actually cracks when the bullets go through the glass (screenshot here).

• The 360 EZine reports that time based missions are definitely in the game. It also mentions 'time limited actions.' For example: If a train leaves at 10.00pm and you arrive an 10.01pm, you fail the mission.

All of the following are taken from the exclusive GameTM Preview

•It has been confirmed that neither Ammunation nor Pay and Spray will be returning this time round. Niko has to call arms dealers on his mobile to deliver weapons to a certain location.

• A new wanted level system will be included in the game. Now that you will gain a wanted level for every crime you commit in public, a circular search area will appear on your radar. If you're outside of this area, the cops wont be able to find you, like they always could in previous titles Every time you are spotted the circle will move to that location.

• The internet is availible for Niko to use in the game also. Being the age of the computer, that we are in, it would seem foolish for Rockstar to completely ignore such a feature. Niko can use the internet to gain information about contacts or people he needs to kill. their location for example. This opens the gateway for many other interavtive things to do within Liberty.

• the 'trip skip' taxis are back after a long absence since Vice City. if you fail a mission or can't be bothered with the long drives, just hop in a cab and you'll be there in no time!

•Missions can span over several GTA days. For example, you may recieve a mission on a Tuesday and have to wait til Thursday to complete the task. This suggests you can do other missions in between.

• The GamesTM exclusive preview reveals 2 of the missions that will appear in GTA IV. So look away now if you dont want any...

Mission 1: In the demo, Niko recieves a call concerning "shady lawyer" Goldberg, of Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster (GLS) Niko needs to get an interview with Goldberg, so he can 'dispose of him.' Niko uses the internet to his advantage.

Mission 2 -'Call and Collect': Next in the demo, Niko pays a visit to somebody called McReary, at Castle Gardens, a coast-side hangout overlooking the Statue of Hapiness. McReary has had a memory stick stolen from him which contains sensitive data, and he wants Niko to retrieve it for him.

• When purchasing clothes, you have to choose the items from the shelf individually.

• Little Jacob (a caribbean arms dealer) is a good friend of Niko's cousin. When you buy weapons from him (which are kept in his trunk) you can scroll through them like you did in Ammu-Nation in the previous GTA games

• Determining which figures you need to kill requires perception - there are no arrowheads to direct you like in the previous games.

• Once you gain a wanted-level, the map flashes with circles of blue and red, with each circle representing the line of sight of the police chase. The circles differ in size depending on your wanted-level.

• The default camera view when driving rests around the left-hand side of the car above the road.

• The combat rests somewhere between Resident Evil 4 and Gears of War in terms of style, allowing you to roll, find protection and blind-fire from behind cover

• Shooting different parts of the body has different impacts (e.g shoot a security guard in the foot at the top of the stairs, and he'll come tumbling down.)

• In GTA IV you have to develop relationships with other characters. Your relationship with Little Jacob, for example, is maintained through phone calls and loyalty. Developing good relationships with different characters can provide different rewards.

• The weapons on offer by Little Jacob included a 9mm, a shotgun, an SMG, and a micro SMG.

• GTA IV will include a pool mini-game, and many other mini-games. "You'll play at least some of these while hanging out with NPCs like Little Jacob."

• A thin green band around the minimap on your HUD indicates your health.

• You can auto-target as well as manual aim. Niko can take cover behind just about anything, and so can the cops.

• There is a GPS system in the car, and the recommended route shows up in yellow on the radar at the bottom left of the screen.

• Currently, the total number of wanted stars is 6 - the same as it was in previous Grand Theft Auto games.

• The default camera angle is slightly over to the drivers' side. Different angles are available however. You can move the camera aswell, but if you're not touching it, it will remain at the more central position leaning towards the drivers' side.

Release Date: CONFIRMED

user posted imageOctober 16th, 2007 for North America
user posted imageOctober 19th, 2007 for Europe
user posted imageRelease date not yet confirmed

Due to the way Rockstar/Take Two's fiscal year breaks down, combined with their need to please the shareholders, the accepted wisdom is that the next 'real' GTA will touch down sometime around November/October. Whether it will officially make it and be on time for that release date is still something to worry about. We have seen draw backs with nearly all GTA releases, so only time will tell.

On May 27th Rockstar Games announced that GTA IV will also be available as a special edition on October 16 in North America and October 19 in Europe, the same day as the regular edition comes out.

The Grand Theft Auto IV Special Edition will be presented in a customized Grand Theft Auto metal safety deposit box. The box will contain:

• The Grand Theft Auto IV Art Book, featuring never-before-seen production artwork from Grand Theft Auto IV

• Selected soundtrack CD from Grand Theft Auto IV, featuring new material from top artists, only available on this release

• An exclusive Rockstar keychain for the safety deposit box keys

• Completing the collection is a limited edition Rockstar duffel bag.


Normal Edition

• Australia - Unconfirmed

• America - $59.99

• UK - £39.99

• Europe - Unconfirmed

Special Edition

• Australia - $149.95

• America - $89.99

• UK - £70.00

• Europe - €89,99


QUOTE (Tank)
Pre-orders made using the following Amazon links help support the GTA Network:

XBOX 360
PlayStation 3

Miscellaneous Section:

• Returning companies in GTA 4 are Sprunk, Clucking Bell, Burger Shot and METV which was found in Vice City Stories and San Andreas. In the May edition of Game Informer in one of the screenshots it shows the logo of the 24/7 shop which has been seen in past GTA's, so it looks like that is returning. In the 2nd trailer that got released it showed the store Binco, and this time it sells suits. wow.gif
A clothing store NEW to the GTA world was mentioned in the GameTM preview, called 'Perseus.' Selling menswear. (Suits and the like)

• Also in the trailer you can see 'Americas next top hooker' which is a spoof of the American TV show 'Americas next top model'. There is also 'Max Render' which could be a spoof of 'Max Factor' which is a brand of ladies make-up cosmetics by a company from New York City. Also there was a Max render magazine in CJ's house in San Andreas.

• Now this 'Heavy Weapons X' film advertisement could be spoofing the film 'XXX' but the man on the advertisement looks similar to 'Just Cause' main character Rico Rodriguez.

• The Metalife building is called Getalife, the Statue of Liberty is called Statue of Happiness and DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) is now called BOABO (Beneath the Off ramp of the Algonquin Bridge Overpass)

• GTA 4 will have some multiplayer content according to the article in Game Informer magazine.
QUOTE (Taken from Game Informer)
The game will have multiplayer however. "Yes, there will be some" Houser comments. "It's not going to be a MMOG. But we are trying to make something that is interesting, fun and progressive and goes nicely alongside the single player game."

• The Game Informer article mentions that there after the initial loading when you start the game up, there will be no interior to exterior (and vise versa) loading times.
And some of its achievements simply blow your mind, such as load times. After and initial loading sequence, the game will never load again - even when you transition between interior and exterior locations.

• There will be no countryside like there was in San Andreas but with downloadable content their could be a possibility of some added the in the downloadable content

• There has been a hint from Dan Houser that returning characters might appear in the game, when asked by Reiner Dan gave a smilie.

• According to several previews with different magazines it seems to be a confirmed fact that Niko will be living a tougher life than he thought, against the LC law. Comments made in the magazines confirm that pedestrians in the street will remember previous events that occurred within the game, and appear to run off at the first sight of you for no apparent reason. Police officers will also remember what you look like. Looks as though you'll now have a permanent criminal record.

• During the second trailer just before showing the Liberty City bank and the police raid, there are character artworks from GTA 3 all over the wall, a screen shot can be found here.

• On July 13th Rockstar sent out emails to all their news subscribers, linking them to the WKTTRadio teaser website. This marks the release of the first of presumably many, IV teaser sites that we can expect in the follow up to the games release.

Upon calling the number on the site THIS is what you hear down the other end. Typical Rockstar humour!. Credit to GTAPlanet.com for the audio.

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Official Website - grandtheftauto4.com
The official website for Grand Theft Auto IV by Rockstar Games. Also located at www.rockstargames.com/grandtheftauto4/.

Rockstar North
Scottish Game Designers Rockstar North's official website. Creators of the Grand Theft Auto franchise.

Rockstar Games [ Flash | HTML ]
Rockstar Games official websites, featuring all their games, downloads and more...

GTA4.net [ GTA4.net | GTANet ]
GTANet's Grand Theft Auto 4/Grand Theft Auto IV fan site, part of the GTA Network.

Grand Theft Auto IV's first teaser website.

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